
Umbrella Lady

About the Therapist

Dr. Denise Ray-Shields is the former head of the Juvenile Branch of Philadelphia Family Court where she forged an early career working with and studying families of court involved adolescents. Her deep interest in families and family functioning inspired her masters’ degree in clinical social work and her PhD in marriage and family therapy. Dr. Ray-Shields trained numerous professional staff at Family Court with an emphasis on espousing the importance of serving families and children as a whole unit.

Dr. Ray-Shields has served on numerous boards and committees focusing on child and family wellbeing. She was appointed to the prestigious Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Children’s Behavioral Health in Philadelphia and was appointed co-chair of the Commission’s Vulnerable Children’s Committee. A therapist in private practice, Dr. Ray-Shields is also an adjunct professor at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and has served as an adjunct professor at Community College of Philadelphia and Drexel University. She is also a consultant and presenter on issues affecting children in care, their families, and family relationships. 

Dr. Ray-Shields is a licensed professional.

Dance Under the Rain

A Word About Therapy

A New Spirit BHS relies on evidenced based psychotherapy models designed to assist patients in evaluating their thinking in relation to life circumstances. A modification of some thinking patterns can promote positive change in the emotional state and behaviors of patients.

Therapy is a process of healing through the art of change. It is not a quick fix, though some patients can benefit from time limited therapy. It requires the personal investment and participation of the patient and often, key members of the patient’s family or inner circle. Learning to make simple modifications to self-defeating thoughts and beliefs has the potential to produce lasting change.


 “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”  --James Allen